Top Dem. Candidates Take Stand On Issues — Carter Advocates Strong Military (Vol. 42, Issue 11)
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Middle East
Regarding present Middle East policy, Governor Carter believes that Mr. Kissinger is a skilled negotiator, but is far less concerned with consulting the American people or their representatives in Congress, and far less skilled in marshalling the support of a nation behind an effective foreign policy.
Governor Carter believes that we must offer the Israelis whatever is necessary, economically and militarily, in order to maintain the defense and security of Israel.
Governor Carter believes that neither the United States nor Israel should carry on discussions with the PLO until the PLO has recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace.
Governor Carter feels that it is not possible to eliminate the threat of war while guaranteeing the rights of others, as we are unable to control the actions of countries which may violate those freedoms we strive to preserve.
Governor Carter believes that we must insist upon arms agreements that allow for complete monitoring provisions. Moreover, he feels that the prime responsibility of any president is to guarantee the security of our nation with a tough, muscular, well-organized and effective fighting force. We must have the ability to avoid the threat of successful attack or blackmail and we must always be strong enough to carry out a legitimate foreign policy. This is a prerequisite for peace.
Governor Carter believes that everything our government does in dealing with the Soviets should be designed to let them know that their restriction of Jewish citizens is unconscionable and an insult to our concept of human decency. However, Governor Carter does not ‘believe that the purpose of ending Soviet oppression of Jews has been accomplished by public laws passed by Congress.
Welfare: Governor Carter has consistently said that federal and state governments should pay all welfare costs —. Local governments, none. This alone would save New York City over $750 million a year.
Health Care: Governor Carter has called for a national health care system, including mandatory national health insurance, that is efficient, workable and fair.
Finally, Governor Carter believes that the major thrust in energy programs should be away from oil and towards coal and solar energy, with heavy emphasis on conservation. Unnecessary electrical power plant construction should be stopped. Rate structures which discourage total consumption should be established. If necessary, standby excise taxes should be available to the President for selective imposition on petroleum products. Governor Carter feels that it is unlikely that we will be totally “independent” of oil imports during this century, but we should be free from possible blackmail or economic disaster which might be caused by another boycott. Our reserves should be developed, imports reduced to manageable levels, standby rationing procedures evolved and authorized, and aggressive economic reprisals should await any boycotting oil supplier. With proper national planning and determined execution of those plans, energy conservation can be completely compatible with environmental quality and with economic well-being.