Student Election Survey (Vol. 38, Issue 2)
The following statistics are based on a poll of the study body of Yeshiva College conducted October 18, 1972 between 11:15 AM and 5:15 PM. Over 60% of the current student body (492 students out of 820) responded. The questions below have been renumbered and represent only some of those asked. Others have been deleted because it would be impossible to report accurate and understandable results with a limited amount of space. The complete set of answered questionnaires and all tabulations are for the sole use of The Commentator, but may be inspected upon request.
1. Are you registered to vote in the forthcoming elections?
Yes — 85%
No — 15%
2. Do you plan to vote in any of the upcoming local, state and federal elections?
Yes — 85%
No — 15%
3. In which political party are you registered?
Republican — 7.8%
Democratic — 66.2
Liberal — 2.1%
Conservative — 1.9%
Other (please specify): (incl. independents)— 22%
4. Four years ago, in the 1968 presidential election, which candidate did you prefer?
Nixon — 10.8%
Humphrey — 87.8%
Wallace — 1.4%
5. In the 1972 presidential election, for whom do you plan to vote for?
Nixon — 50.8%
McGovern — 22.2%
Undecided — 12%
Not voting for president — 15%
6. Of all the individuals on the American political scene, who would be your first choice for president in 1972?
Nix — 10.%
McG — 5.6%
HHH — 19.4%
Jac — 32.6%
Ken — 14.1%
Mus — 4.4%
Other — 13.8%
7. Indicate below the candidate who you feel best represents the following aspects of a president. (please fill in Nicon or McGovern)
Character: Nixon — 40%; McGovern — 60%
Credibility: Nixon — 53.4%; McGovern — 46.6%
Leadership: Nixon — 76%; McGovern — 24%
8. Indicate below the candidate whose views on the following issues you support. (please fill in Nicon or McGovern)
Israel: Nixon — 81%; McGovern — 19%
Jewish Poor: Nixon — 49.6%; McGovern — 50.4%
Quota systems: Nixon — 79%; McGovern — 21%
Soviet Jewry: Nixon — 58%; McGovern — 42%
Aid to parochial schools: Nixon — 59.5%; McGovern — 40.5%