Joint Steering Committee Drafts College Senate Proposal; YCSC And Faculty Assembly To Debate Plan Next Week (Vol. 34, Issue 9)
After four months of deliberation, the Student-Faculty-Administration Steering Committee has produced a proposal for a Yeshiva College Senate. Because of the important nature of this document The Commentator has decided to publish this special edition in order to acquaint Yeshiva College students and faculty with the proposal before they are called to vote upon it. The Student Council meets March 11, and the Faculty Assembly gathers on March 12, to vote on the acceptability of the proposal. Following is the text of the proposal preceded by a letter of introduction written by Dr. Mayer Herskovics, chairman of the Committee:
To the Faculty and Student Body of Yeshiva College:
It is a distinct pleasure to report to you on the work of the Steering Committee in drafting a document which will have far-reaching effects on the positive development of Yeshiva College. This committee was composed of three members of the Yeshiva College faculty (Dr. Ernest Simon, Dr. Abraham Tauber and myself), three representatives of the student body (Mr. Kenneth Hain, President of the Student Council, Mr. Gary Epstein and Mr. Lazar Fruchter), and two representatives of administration (Dean Isaac Bacon and Dr. Israel Miller).
Our committee began to meet on November 26th, 1968 in response to the initiative of both the faculty and students. It has worked out the functions, composition, and scope of a Yeshiva College Senate. We have met at least once a week and sometimes twice a week, in order to consider and formulate the details of this new body's duties and activities. The work ‘was carried out in an atmosphere of good will and intelligent, constructive cooperation.
The ultimate purpose, of course, is for the Senate to deal with all the vital areas of Yeshiva College, and to give the faculty and student body ample opportunity to share the work and the responsibility in these areas with the administration.
As Chairman of the Committee, I sincerely hope that the faculty and student body of Yeshiva College will consider the proposed constitution in the same spirit as did our committee, thus enabling us to pride ourselves on a rare achievement in higher education today — cooperation and mutual understanding among administration, faculty and students.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Mayer Herskovics
Chairman, Faculty-Student Administration Steering Committee.
The Administration, Faculty and Student Body of Yeshiva College hereby recommend to the President the establishment of a Senate to govern the affairs of the College as specifically set forth below, and in accordance with the ideals and goals of this institution. Its intent is to share responsibility for the operations and improvement of the College among the groups that constitute the College.
This new development at Yeshiva College is the outcome of cooperation among Administration, Faculty and Students who comprise the College, and will redound, it is hoped, to the best interests of the College and its traditions in its continued growth,
The Proposal
Article 1. Composition and Organization
Section 1. The Yeshiva College Senate shall be composed of members of the Administration, the Faculty, the Student Body, and the Alumni as follows:
a) Administration: The Vice President For Academic Affairs, The Assistant to the President for Student Affairs, the Dean of the College, the Registrar and the Dean of Admissions.
b) Faculty: Eight (8) full time facculty members, with each rank represented, preferably two (2) from each rank, elected by the Faculty Assembly,
c) Students: Six students. Two Juniors and four Seniors selected by the incoming Student Council.
d) Alumni (non-voting): One alumnus appointed by the Yeshiva College Alumni Association.
Section 2. The members of the Administration shall serve ex officio.
Section 3. The faculty members shall serve for a two year term,
Section 4. All student members shall serve until graduation. In the Spring of 1969 the incoming Student Council shall choose, in its customary manner, two upper Sophomores and four upper Juniors. Every year thereafter, the incoming Student Council shall choose two upper Sophomores, who shall serve for the next two years, and two upper Juniors, who shall serve for one year.
a) Student candidates for the Senate shall be required to have at least a 3.000 cumulative academic average, and shall be required to maintain this average during their term of office. In all other respects, the election and tenure of the student members shall be governed by the regulations pertaining to other extra-curricular activities.
b) All students who meet the above qualifications are eligible to serve on the Senate, with the exception of the President of the Yeshiva College Student Council, and the Editor-in-Chief of The Commentator.
c) If a student member resigns from his office, or is found ineligible for office, the Student Council shall elect his replacement, who shall serve the remainder of his term of office.
d) If a Faculty membership in the Senate becomes vacant, the Faculty Assembly shall elect a new member who shall serve the remainder of the term of office.
Section 5. The faculty and student members of the Senate shall be selected in the Spring semester of each year, on the second Wednesday in May, and shall assume office immediately. The results of the elections shall be publicized to the Yeshiva College community.
Section 6. The first session of the Senate each year shall be called by the Dean in June. Thereafter, the elected Chairman shall call the Senate into session, not less frequently than once a month, otherwise at his discretion, or upon a petition by majority of its members.
Section 7. At its first session each year, the Senate shall elect a Chairman and a Secretary. The Chairman shall be a faculty member and shall not vote except in the case of a tie.
Section 8. The Secretary shall keep a record of all deliberations and of all reports and communications received by the Senate, and shall make the minutes public to the Faculty and to the Senate Body.
Section 9, Each member of the Senate shall be entitled to vote.
Section 10. All policy decisions of the Senate shall be made by simple majority vote, and in all procedural matters the Senate shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 11, A quorum consists of 12 members, with at least two from each of the three groups in attendance.
Article II. Scope
Section 1. The Senate shall have jurisdiction over the academic affairs of the College, as specifically set forth below:
a) Academic standards, admissions policy, curriculum and requirements for degree.
b) The establishment of new majors, and new courses, In the above matters, the Senate shall be required to consult with the Department and Division Heads involved before voting on the issue.
c) Determination of policy on: 1) standards of scholastic performance; 2) student attendance; 3) the grading system; 4) academic honors.
d) Discussion and disposition of all matters submitted to it by the Administration, the Faculty, and Student Council.
Section 2. The Senate shall make policy recommendations to the appropriate bodies on matters affecting faculty welfare, including appointments, promotions, leaves of absence, honors, and remuneration,
Section 3. All measures passed by the Senate shall be submitted to the President and the Faculty Assembly, both of whom shall have the power of veto, the latter by a two-thirds majority vote of its members present. Any measure not vetoed within two months of the academic year after its communication to the President and Faculty Assembly shall be considered adopted.
Section 4. The Senate shall have no jurisdiction over the application of Academic regulations and the awarding of academic honors to students, i.e, admission, probation, dismissal, academic honors, and prizes.
Section 5. The Senate shall have no jurisdiction over the application of student discipline and all extra-curricular activities.
Article III, Committees
Section 1. Two student members shall be appointed for one year by the Student Council to the following Committees: Curriculum and Instruction, Welfare, Library, Student Activities Policy, Scholastic Standing, whose present membership, organization and scope are described in a section of the Yeshiva College Faculty Statute appended hereto.
Section 2. All Committees shall report to the Senate as well as to the Faculty Assembly.
Article IV. Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to the present constitution shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting membership of the Senate. Notice of a proposed amendment must be included with the announcement of the meeting.
Appendix to Constitution of Yeshiva College Senate (Excerpts from the Yeshiva College Faculty Statutes)
Standing Committees
Section IV E
a. Functions
1): Carry on continuous review of current course offerings and refer to the appropriate departments suggestions (including those of students) made to improve curricular offerings by adding or deleting courses.
2) Review recommendations of the departments for the addition or deletion of courses. If approved by the committee, such recommendations shall be circulated to the entire faculty. If there is no objection within one month from any department or the Dean, the recommendation shall go into effect. If there is any objection the recommendation shall be discussed jointly by all affected parties, and if there is still no agreement, the recommendation shall be referred to a meeting of all departmental representatives for decision. If disapproved by the committee the recommendations shall be returned to the originating department for reconsideration. In the event of failure of the committee and the department to agree the question shall be referred to the Assembly.
3) Establish broad guide lines for the requirements for majors.
4) Study and recommend to the faculty for its consideration such programs as honors work, colloquiums, seminars, and advanced placement programs (the administration of these programs to be the task of the Scholastic Standing Committee).
5) Study the impact and effectiveness of national standardized tests in the light of our courses of study.
6) Study and recommend to the faculty for its consideration new developments in audio-visual aids and other media for improving teaching methods and techniques.
7) Study and acquaint the faculty with national symposiums, conferences, and educational programs, and encourage participation in such meetings.
8) Study and recommend general requirements for graduation from the College.
9) Study and acquaint the Faculty with new developments in higher education generally.
a. Functions
1) Act as liaison between the faculty and library staff.
2) Study and acquaint the Faculty with the resources and problems of the Pollack Library and those facilities of the Mendel Gottesman Library and other University libraries which have relationship to the curricular offerings of Yeshiva College in terms of the curricular offerings of the College.
3) Make recommendation for the improvement of library conditions in general and for smooth library operation.
b. Membership
1) The Director of Libraries and the Librarians of the Pollack and Gottesman Libraries shall be consultants to the Committee.
a, Functions
1) Study and recommend to the faculty policies on: (a) scholastic standards and performances; (b) student absences; (c) the grading system; (d) minimal stu dent performance and academic probation and dismissal; (e) disciplinary probation; (f) honors at graduation; (g) Dean's List; (h) student work load; (i) student employment and participation in extra-curricular activities.
2) Aid the Office of the Dean in the implementation of these policies.
a. Functions
The Welfare Committee shall concern itself with matters affecting the morale and the physical and material welfare of the faculty. As part of its duties it shall:
1) seek to ensure maximum benefits for the faculty and call to the attention of the faculty matters which in its judgment call for study and action.
2) study and recommend procedures to encourage and assist faculty members with (a) research (b) publications (c) participation in learned and professional societies.
3) hear and seek to resolve grievance of intra-and inter-relations of faculty and administration.
a. Functions
1) Consider questions of policy for student activities submitted to it by the Yeshiva College Student Council and advise the Council of the result of its deliberations. Consenting advice by the committee on a given matter shall exempt those acting in accordance with this advice from the lodging of charges with the Student Activities Judiciary Committee.
b. Membership
1) No member of the Judiciary Committee may serve on this committee.