Adlai Swamps Ike in College Poll; Wagner 12 to 5 Favorite Over Javits (Vol. 22, Issue 2)
Adlai E. Stevenson received 92 per cent of the total number of votes cast by the student. body of Yeshiva College in a poll of student opinion on the presidential and senatorial elections. The votes cast represent 65 per cent of the student body. ‘
Mayor Robert F. Wagner was found to have a substantial edge over his opponent, the Hon. Jacob K. Javits, attorney general of New York State. Of the total number of ballots cast, 49 per cent were in favor of Mayor Wagner, and only 19 per cent were for Mr. Javits. The rest of the ballots indicated that a decision had not yet been reached.
Confidence in Stevenson Cited
The major reason presented in favor of Mr. Stevenson was a dissatisfaction with the present foreign policy in particular and the Republican regime in general. Running a close second, however, was a confidence that Mr. Stevenson himself would satisfy the needs of a greater portion of the American public in the future.
The main reason given for the choice of Mayor Wagner was the belief in the principles of the Democratic Party and the necessity for maintaining a Democratic majority in Congress.
The supporters of Mr. Javits declared their main reason to be the fact that they considered him more capable because of his experience in Congress and his basic liberal ideals.
Eisenhower Seen Victor
When asked to predict the outcome of the national elections, however, 49 per cent foresaw the re-election of President Eisenhower, while 24 per cent augured that Mr. Stevenson would replace him. The remainder expressed no opinion. The result of the senatorial race was considered by many to be much closer, 32 per cent favoring Mayor Wagner's chances, 11 per cent Mr. Javits and the rest undecided.
Only eight per cent of the College students polled are actually casting ballots on Election Day. Of these, 18 were in favor of the Democratic candidate, while one had decided in favor of President Eisenhower.
The results of the poll also indicated an increase in the College of the popularity of Mr. Stevenson over President Eisenhower from a ratio of 16-1 in 1952 to that which it is today.