Yeshiva Student Body Prefers Stevenson 16-1, Survey Shows (Vol. 18, Issue 2)
Governor Adlai E. Stevenson received 92.4 percent of the total votes cast by the student body of Yeshiva in a poll of student opinion on the national elections. He thus had an approximate 16-1 advantage over his political opponent, Dwight D. Eisenhower who received 5.6 per cent of the vote. A total of 407 votes were cast in the poll. This total represents 78.7 per cent of the student body.
Governor Stevenson’s majority dropped considerably when students were asked their opinion
on the outcome of the election. Sixty-nine and eight tenths per cent felt Stevenson would win,
10.6. per cent felt Eisenhower would win, and 17.4 per cent were undecided as to the outcome. A little over 2 per cent of those polled expressed no opinion.
The students were asked if they were in agreement with their parents in their choice of a presidential candidate. Seventy-four and nine tenths per cent said that they were in full accord with their parents in the choice, 6.1 per cent were not, and 15.3 per cent did not know their parents political choice.
Of the entire group of voters, only 9.8 per cent were eligible to vote. The rest were ineligible duie to age (under 21) or lack of citizenship. Eighty-two and two tenths per cent were not old enough, abd 8.9 per cent were not citizens. Of those old enough to vote, 10 per cent were ineligible because they did not register.
Foreign students voted almost unanimously for Stevenson, with only one Eisenhower vote in 18 tallies cast.
In the Senatorial race, Dr. George Counts, Liberal Party candidate, received a plurality of 34.2 per cent of the total vote. Senator Irving Ives, the Republican incumbent, polled 26.8 per cent, Brooklyn Borough President John Cashmore, Democratic candidate, received 17.7 per cent of the vote, and Corliss Lamont, American Labor Party candidate, received 2.2 per cent.
However, 61.4 per cent of the students thought that Ives would be the victor in the New York election. Fourteen per cent felt that Cashmore would win, 6.63 per cent thought that Counts will win, and .26 per cent felt that Lamont would carry the election. Seventeen and seven tenths per cent of the student body had no opinion on the outcome of the State Campaign.
When asked to state their political identification, 53.6 per cent considered themselves Democrats, 37.4 per cent as independents, 2.49 per cent Republicans, and 6.5 per cent favored other parties.