Liberals Unite! (Vol. 14, Issue 1)
After careful consideration of the present political situation, we have decided to support Mr. Truman’s candidacy. That does not mean that we agree with Mr. Truman; as a matter of fact we are much more partial to many of Mr. Wallace’s ideas.
But we are not voting in a popularity contest. We are voting in an election. And it is a characteristic of American elections that there are only two candidates with any prospects of success. Support of a Liberal splinter-party candidate serves only to advance the political fortunes of the more conservative of the leading contenders, a purpose to which we can hardly subscribe.
We, we would like to make it clear, are liberals. We are not A.D.A. liberals. We are not P.C.A. liberals. We are liberals. As such we cannot but look with distaste at anything that tends to split the liberals. Mr. Wallace obviously fits into this classification. For as long as Mr. Wallace prevents his followers from joining their fellow-liberals, the liberal cause is severely, if not critically, handicapped.
Under the circumstances, our duty, and the duty of all true liberals, is clear.