By: Myron M. Fenster  | 

International News (Vol. 13, Issue 6)

On the international scene, the situation in Palestine itself apparently becomes succeedingly worse each day. The failure of the United Nations to provide a police force becomes more and more costly with each Arab attack, and with each Irgun reprisal. The gentlemen in Fushing Meadows must take immediate action or their lip service to partition will render them as ineffectual as their League predecessors.

Recently there has developed a ray of hope in the person of Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the U. N. He has taken it upon himself to sound out some of the second-rate powers — Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Denmark — on the proposal of sending volunteer troops to Palestine. It is important that the top ranking powers — U.S., Russia, Great Britain — are not being consulted by Mr. Lie. In all probability he realizes the danger of giving Russia a foothold in the Middle East, and further realizes the inherent danger of making Palestine another Germany, with three zones and.three conflicting ideologies. 

The United States, up to this writing, has not shown the slightest inclination to aid this recruiting. Perhaps Mr. Truman has forgotten that this is an election year and that the long-suffering Jewish people do not soon forget. Come now Mr. Fitzpatrick, let’s get back to work!