Dining Room Becomes Deserted In Students’ Spontaneous Boycott (Vol. 2, Issue 13)
Strange and outlandish cries of Strike! Strike! startling later sleepers, rang through Yeshiva’s staid corridors Monday morning to the accompaniment of “Don’t be a scab!” Rubbing his eyes in amazement, your observer pinched himself to make sure he was standing before the refectory of Simon’s sanitarium and not in the General Motors plant, hundreds of miles away.
The students, ever-ready for excitement, soon caught the boycott streptoeocci and the dining-room except for the odd scab soon became as bare as the synagogue the morning after the “Chanukah-dreidel” night before.
Before long, various eating establishments, grocery stores, and [illegible] in the neighborhood reported a [illegible] boom in the sale of [illegible].
One bright fellow suggested a picket parade with the red flag of the “fork and knife” bearing the caption, “Not on bread alone doth man subsist.”
Some of the students who had had a taste of Jewish labor laws in Ethics, declared that from a legal viewpoint, the proceedings were entirely against the spirit of the “Prepared Table”, which [illegible] a worker to down tools (or forks) only to prevent personal …[illegible]…