Laudable Enthusiasm (Vol. 2, Issue 11)
The eminent success of the Hebrew Youth Convention at Philadelphia should serve as a well-deserved stimulus to further growth of the organization.
The Histadruth Hanoar Haivri definitely fills a most important need in the scheme of American Jewry of the present. The necessity for a nucleus of a Hebrew speaking, Hebrew conscious youth movement that is alive and virile is not to be denied.
This is what the Youth Federation is accomplishing. With a phenomenal rapidity the organization has swung so enthusiastically into activity that already, in the several months of its existence, it, has organized branches in several cities.
It has launched extensive programs of real creative value in several fields. What is of special note is that, characteristically of the Histadruth, the members do not restrict themselves to impotent theoretical discussions. They act.
Publication of the important organ for youthful Hebrew writers, Niv, did not remain for long in the nebulous realm of planning. It became an immediate actuality.
Other groups similarly plunged into active projects, and their work has quickly translated itself into results.
It is therefore disheartening to find that an organization of this sort has had so slight an appeal to Yeshiva College students.
Yeshiva men ought not to be alienated from a group that shows great promise of contributing to Hebrew culture and perpetuating it.
While local students have long had the stigma of being idle theoreticians, we would be loath to assign the vigor and animation of Histadruth activities as the reason for Yeshiva’s apathy and inertia.
So to all students with any degree of consciousness of the Histadruth aims we say: “Here is an organization it is your moral duty to support. Do not stand aloof!”