Council Rejects Five Year Plan; New Version Held Meaningless (Vol. 2, Issue 11)
At a special meeting held last night Student Council voted unanimously against the adoption of the revised five year plan, which would allow cum laude students to graduate in four years with a minimum of credits.
Terming the latest version of the plan absurd and ridiculous, council members voiced their vigorous objection to its being put into effect.
The discussion was opened after the report of a committee on the five year plan demanded of Council that it reject and oppose such a scheme. This committee was originally created to study the five year plan, to present to council the facts together with its own interpretations. The committee was created after it was learned that the name of Student Council had been used at a faculty meeting in support of a plan which it had never considered.
Those who had been most sympathetic to the institution of a five year course of study which would allow for proper integration of Jewish and secular studies, were most vigorous in their [illegible] of the proposed variety. It was pointed out that the new system contained all the disadvantages of the original five year plan without incorporating any of its benefits.
The new plan, it was contended, would eliminate the possibility of attaining these objects which led the alumni to approve, in principle, of a lengthening of the period of years required for graduation.
The existence of two types of students would prevent proper synthesis of the Hebrew and secular curricula, council members claimed. It was also pointed out that the element of constant uncertainty would definitely not be conductive to systematized planning on the part of the student, nor would it assist in the practical arrangement of courses and programs.
Council emphasized that in disapproving of the new plan in principle, it had not in any changed its stand on the status of the freshmen. The class of '40, it had previously been resolved, should be exempted from the institution of any new plan or system, not specifically mentioned in the catalogue of this year, and not properly publicized before registration.
The text of the resolution follows:
Whereas, the plan presented by the administration does not attain any of the original objectives of the five year plan and
Whereas, it hinders proper integration of the Yeshiva College curriculum, and
Whereas, the benefits which are supposed to accrue of those subject to the plan do not offset the burden of an extra year’s attendance at college.
Therefore, Be it Resolved that Student Council reject this plan and take such action as will secure its revocation.