Synagogue Filled At Armistice Assembly; War Mongers Attacked By Faculty and Students (Vol. 2, Issue 6)
Gathered in the synagogue for the annual Armistice Day assembly held last Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 11, close to 300 students head addresses by faculty embers and undergraduates on the prevention of war.
The assembly was opened by Irving Ribner ’37, president of Student Council, who, after outlining the problems facing students throughout the world today, introduced the first speaker, Jacob I. Hartstein, registrar.
Mr. Hartstein expressed confidence in the League of Nations “in spite of all the things that have happened in the past,” stating that there are principles in the League Covenant calling for enforcement of peace. In presenting the position student should adopt, he stressed open-mindedness to opinions of others and education.
Calls War Plague
Dr. Alexander Litman, assistant professor of philosophy, followed with a stirring address. Saying that he spoke from actual experience, he called war a plague and said that as such it could not be cured by firing squads since “war against war breeds war.”
“If we are to abolish war, we must attack it at home. The first step is a society in which people get fair play in every respect. We must dedicate ourselves to embody in our conscience those principles which will make for a better society and raise our voices against any social injustice. If we do this, the plague will never rise again; there will be no more war.”
Harold Polikoff ’39, speaking in place of Eleazer Goldman ’37, managing editor of the Commentator, who could not speak because of illness, and Boris Rabinowitz ’37, both stressed the importance of spreading knowledge to combat war propaganda and in uniting with student organizations in a common battle against war.