Reporter Scours Yeshiva for Elusive Landon Votes (Vol. 2, Issue 3)
The Commentator’s reporter canvassed the school yesterday vainly attempting to amass a fairly substantial number of votes for Messrs. Landon and Lamke in an informal straw vote. He regrets to report that the DuPont millions, Hearst’s vituperations and their candidate’s ingenuousness have apparently failed to impress the students of Yeshiva College. By the time the grand total of 3 votes for Mr. Landon was reinforced by a single vote for Lemke, President Roosevelt had already rolled up 136 votes, Comrade Bowder obtained 6, and Norman Thomas received 5 votes.
It must in all fairness, however, be admitted that these results cannot be said to indicate support of Mr. Farley’s ambitions. A very great percentage of those who registered their approval of Roosevelt made it clear that they did not endorse him as the Democratic candidate but rather as the candidate of the American Labor Party. A smaller number of students wmphasized that their support of Roosevelt was only prompted by fear of reaction and that under normal circumstances they would vote for Norman Thomas.
In spite of the great interest manifested in the national elections, local political problems are still uppermost in many minds. One student, upon being asked for whom he would vote in the forthcoming election promptly answered, “for Werb.”
This leaves some doubt as to whether or not the name of a candidate was omitted from the following tabulations which represent class tendencies in the votes of 151 students, a fair cross-section of Yeshiva opinion.
Roosevelt- 35
Browder- 0
Thomas- 1
Landon- 0
Lemke- 0
Roosevelt- 44
Browder- 4
Thomas- 1
Landon- 1
Lemke- 0
Roosevelt- 38
Browder- 0
Thomas- 3
Landon- 1
Lemke- 0
Roosevelt- 29
Browder- 2
Landon- 1
Lemke- 1
Roosevelt- 136
Browder- 6
Thomas- 5
Landon- 3
Lemke- 1