Professor S. Liptzin and Dr. R. Rosenberg to Speak at Luchow’s (Vol. 1, Issue 9)
Two members of the Yeshiva College Faculty, Professor S. Liptzin of the German Department, and Dr. R. F. Rosenberg of the French Department, who have been prominent in the German Teachers’ Association, will speak this Saturday evening, December 7, at a meeting of this group to be held at Luchow’s.
The occasion will be the 100th anniversary of the banishment in Germany of the Young Germany movement, culminating in the burning of the books of the leaders of this movement, on December 10, 1835. The two Jews, Heine and Borne had been very prominent leaders of this new attitude towards life, and the anti-semitic battlecry raised by those opposing these new ideas was a potent factor in the issuance of the final decree.
Dr. Liptzin at one time was an executive officer of the German Teachers’ Association.