The Masmid (Vol. 1, Issue 7)
Elsewhere in this issue appears an article announcing the appointment of the business manager of the Masmid and at the same time outlining the literary work for the coming year. The Commentator is gratified to learn from this and other sources that work on the Masmid is now past the stage of “plans” and that contributions of an acceptable nature have already been received by the editor.
This early start augurs well for a Masmid this year that should surpass all others both in size and in literary quality. This is as it should be. Yeshiva College beginning its eighth year as a recognized college of arts and sciences must turn out together with its fifth and largest graduating class a publication of high literary standard.
For the Masmid to become a real year-book of a high caliber and at the same time maintain its standards as a journal of literary thought — a problem not faced by similar publications in other undergraduate institutions — an unprecedented amount of money will be necessary. To serve somewhat as an incentive and to cover expenses incurred in procuring and collecting advertisements, a ten per cent commission on all advertisements obtained by a student whether on the staff or not has been announced by the business manager.
The Commentator urges every member of the student body to cooperate directly in obtaining advertisements, so that an enlarged publication that will tell the real story of the college’s progress and will reflect the real growth of the students’ mind may be published. The Masmid is a student publication. It is the record that the student body writes of itself as it passes through in years of college life. That this record be properly written it is necessary that every student of Yeshiva college cooperate in writing it.