Newark Council Holds New Lecture Series (Vol. 1, Issue 8)
A course of ten lectures on Jewish traditions and culture to be given over a period of 20 weeks is being presented in Newark, N.J. under the auspices of Yeshiva College Sponsers Committee (Newark Branch) in cooperation with Yeshiva College.
These extension lectures are for the expressed purpose of emphasizing the traditions and ideals of the Jewish people, as a vital part of the equipment of the educated Jew.
The lectures are being given by men of distinction and achievement in their special fields. The first lecture was given by Dr. Leo Jung on Wednesday, November 6, 1935 on the topic “Foundation of “Judaism”. Amongst the prominent people who will speak are Dr. Bernard Revel, Dr. Pinkhos Chiurgin, Dr. David Macht, and others.
Hon. Meyer C. Ellenstein, Mayor of Newark, N. J., gave ‘the principal address at the services held November 6 to initiate this series of adult education group meetings. The mayor is also a member of the Board of Governors of the Newark Branch of Sponsors of Yeshiva College. The board. also includes Judge Seymour ‘Klein, Judge Joseph Siegler, Assistant County Prosecutor Michael Preitkopf and others of prominence.
Dr. Revel announced that other cities have already made inquiries concerning the possible establishment of such a center of Jewish learning, under the institution’s auspices as now exists in Newark.