Students at Yeshiva Found More Mature; Dr. Roberts Impressed With Their Serious Attitude (Vol. 1, Issue 6)
“Impressed with the maturity of the Yeshiva student” was the verdict of Dr. Roberts, new professor of English at Yeshiva College. He expressed this opinion in an interview with a Commentator representative, adding, “I have found the Yeshiva student more serious and curious, more eager for knowledge than any other student I have encountered.”
The new member of the faculty said that he is deeply interested in Yeshiva College as an institution for the advancement of Jewish ideals while at the same time affording the student a good college education.
Taught at Harvard
Dr. Roberts was born in Minnesota in 1894. He received his degree of B.A. at the University of Minnesota. Pursuing advanced studies, he attained degrees of M.A. and Ph.D. at Harvard.
He has taught at the University of Wisconsin and at Harvard and also at the Connecticut College.
Asked whether he had made any contribution to the field of literature, Dr. Roberts disclosed that he has written a new book on Henry James. He is at present at work upon a new book of literary criticism.
A question as to his hobbies brought out the information that he has a strong liking for music. Tennis occupies a goodly part of his spare time, too. His favorite books are Tolstoi’s “War and Peace” which he considers “the best novel of any time” and Marcel Proust’s “Remembrances of Things Past”, his idea of the best recent novel.