A Step Forward (Vol. 1, Issue 6)
Probably the most enjoyable surprise that greeted the institution’s forward looking students on their return this semester, was the establishment of the Yeshiva Hebrew Department in the college curriculum. Although loud were the wails of many an anguished student who found his program trailing as a result into the wee hours of the night, the vast majority sincerely acclaimed the change.
The systematization of Hebrew studies according modern educational principles is undoubtedly a great step forward. As the courses gradually become standardized, the new department will not only be achieving a vital goal by offering a well-rounded education to the Yeshiva student, but also will be instrumental in raising the morale of the student body.
From another and more important aspect, the event is fraught with significance to us as students. The fact that the integration of Jewish studies into the college curriculum, one of the cardinal planks of The Commentator last semester, was accepted by the Administration, has served to lessen, more than anything else, the tension and misunderstanding that may have existed between the student body and the college authorities.
Furthest from our minds is the desire to gloat over the victory of The Commentator. The suggestions were never presented with any such purpose in mind. That the Administration has chosen to receive these ideas with the spirit of sincerity and good-will that was intended, heralds, we feel, a new era of understanding and co-operation between the student body and the Administration towards all institutional problems vital to both.
All congratulations are due the college authorities for this fine work. We earnestly hope that the new spirit of co-operation and good-will initiated by the Administration between itself and The Commentator will continue to grow. As members of the Governing Board and official representatives of student opinion, we pledge to do everything in our power — with the earnest conviction that the Administration will expend the same efforts — to foster this spirit until Yeshiva College becomes a universal model of the ideal relationship between student body and faculty.