First Annual Questionnaire Finds Typical Senior “Slightly” Dissatisfied With Policies of Yeshiva (Vol.1, Issue 5)
The typical Yeshiva senior of the Class of 1935 finds many things amiss with the order of things at his Alma Mater, but still “would send his son to Yeshiva.” He does not believe that the ideals of the college have been fulfilled, and decries its expansion along business lines. He would rather see more Jewish courses given and even believes firmly in daily Hebrew classes for students of the Yeshiva.
Such is the composite picture of this year’s Senior according to the annual questionnaire distributed to members of the graduating class. The questions submitted varied from selections of the most popular movie actors to serious queries on topics of the day.
David W. Petergorsky, president of the Students’ Organization, received overwhelming majorities as best all-around man, most likely to succeed, having done most for Yeshiva, and biggest politician.
Number seven of the questionnaire, “Done Yeshiva for Most” went overwhelmingly to Dean Safir, who polled 90 percent of the votes. Runner-up was Jack Hartstein, ‘31, “general utility man” of the institution, who lagged surprisingly in the rear.
Of faculty members, Professor Charles Horne was chosen as most respected,, Dr. Litman as most popular and Dr. Savitzky as the most humorous.
Chemistry was found by far the hardest of courses while Physical Training was voted the easiest. The Sophomore year was considered the hardest of the four years and the Senior year was selected as most pleasant.
“What would you do if you were Dean of Yeshiva College” was expected to elicit many valuable suggestions from the…[illegible]... verdict was “resign.” One lone students would “expand.”
The Seniors revealed themselves to be decidedly “liberal” and pacifistic in their social outlook. All overwhelmingly condemned the present economic system and a majority felt that religion should assume the leadership in the transition to a new social order. A Socialist economy was favored by one-third, a Communist society by another third.
Yet they expressed their practicability by choosing Roosevelt as their presidential candidate in 1936 with Norman Thomas runner-up. A question “Who is the greatest menace to American Liberty” resulted in the naming of William Randolph Hearst, with Coughlin and Huey Long taking second and third places respectively.
All but five members of the class would prefer to make their homes in Palestine rather than in the United States. Only six would fight in a war in which the United States was involved.
The Mizrachi Organization won the support of most of the students, while a World Jewish Congress was favored by over 75 percent of the class.
The class reached no degree of agreement as to who exercised the greatest influence in either Jewish or general life today.
The remaining choices of the Senior Questionnaire follow:
Best All-Around Athlete — “Spik” Goodman
Class Gentleman — Asher Block and Isadore Kuman
Most Popular — David Wachtfogel
Class Comedian — Bernard Berzon