Athletic Grants Made; Council to Award Insignias (Vol. 1, Issue 4)
One of the largest appropriations for athletics and athletic awards was made by the Student Council at its meeting held at the dormitory, Social Hall on Wednesday evening, May 1, 1935. In addition, the Council, commenting on the success of the recent basketball tournament, provided for the arrangement of a program of intra-mural competition in indoor baseball and tennis. The Council, however, after brief discussion, reluctantly had to forego the running of an outdoor baseball tournament on the grounds that it was both impractical and unnecessary.
Defeating a motion for a lump contribution of $25 for athletic material, the Council, under separate motions for the individual items, made provision for most of the material requested. Among these are the following:
$5 for indoor baseball material,
$5 for tennis balls,
$5 for the use of the Bennett Ave. tennis courts for three hours a week, and
$2 for general-expenses.
Each of these appropriations was passed with the rider that they be granted only upon the recommendation of the Athletic Manager to.the President of the Student Council and the latter's approval. An outlay of $3 for outdoor baseball material was voted down, however, as the Council decided to conduct no competition in the latter sport.
Awards Granted
In reply to questions concerning the awarding of insignia to the various college teams, Mr. Petegorsky informed the Council that a committee under Mr. Kornfeld was at work selecting and determining awards. The groups eligible for letters or insignia include the Varsity Basketball Team, Debating Team, Chess Team, Tennis Team, and Sophomore Basketball Team, intra-mural champions. It is planned to present these awards at the final student assembly of the year.