Joint Exercises for Yeshiva and Beth Medrash (Vol. 1, Issue 1)
A long-established custom of the Yeshiva will be resumed for the first time in a number of years when the joint ordination and commencement of Rabbinical and Teacher’s Institute graduates is held at the Auditorium on March 26.
The occasion commands special interest at the present time in view of the fact that a joint commencement of the sort has not been held since 1930. Candidates for the rabbinate’ have not been publicly ordained since that time, and commencement exercises have not taken place for two years.
Outstanding personalities in New York Jewry have been invited to participate in the event, and it is expected that the auditorium will be well filled. The ceremonies will be conducted by President Bernard Revel, who will bestow degrees on the graduates. Following. the exercises, a dinner is to be held in honor of the graduates. The ordination dinner will take place in the Yeshiva Building, and will be attended by representatives from metropolitan congregations.